Maian Cart Changelog ( [+] Added [*] Updated [-] Bug Fix Version 3.8 (10/04/2020): [+] Added option to specify custom backup folder for database backup cron. Can be outside of root for security. See docs for help. [+] Added product images to product import routines. See docs for help. [*] Updated payment gateway to use the Accept Hosted payment method instead of the now deprecated SIM method [*] Updated PHPMailer mail transportation class (6.1.5) [*] Updated Stripe payment gateway API library (7.27.3) [*] Updated or removed 404 links in documentation. https paths set where applicable to prevent redirects. [-] Fixed PDF errors for packing slips and invoices [-] Fixed currency converter which stopped working due to changing their API/free policy. System now uses the Foreign exchange rates API. [-] Fixed issue where calendar display was incorrect for MM-DD-YYYY & MM/DD/YYYY formats [-] Fixed licence issue related to case sensitivity of PHP ciphers causing licence to fail after PHP upgrade [-] Fixed missing field mapping information on product import page for columns that were added more recently [-] Updated TCPDF plugin to support PHP7.4 [-] Updated checkout system for download quantity. Quantity cannot be increased now for downloadable products. Version 3.7 (09/12/2019): [+] Added official support for PHP7.4* [+] Added option to bypass security certificates for SSL/TLS. Not recommended, but can be useful if you have mail issues. [+] Added support for Maian Affiliate for product commissions. Requires Maian Affiliate installation. [+] Added support for the PHP mail function. Useful if your host blocks SMTP connections. [+] Updated Stripe payment gateway callback to use endpoint secret key. Please see docs if you use this option to update your setup. [*] Minimum PHP version required to run Maian Cart is now 5.6 or higher [*] Update payment gateway callback checks. Please see docs if you use this option to update your setup. [*] Updated PHPMailer mail transportation class (6.1.3) [*] Updated Stripe payment gateway API library (7.14.1) [*] Updated jQuery library/framework (3.4.1) Version 3.6 (04/07/2019): [+] Added Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales counties to UK counties list [*] Updated PHPMailer to latest stable release (6.0.7) [*] Updated Stripe payment gateway API (6.40.0) to support SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) [-] Fixed TCPDF plugin issue that caused PDFs to fail for builds on PHP7.2 or higher [-] Fixed issue where a system error message kept appearing on screen during some checkout routines [-] Fixed issue where cancellation message didn`t write to correct gateway log if logs are enabled [-] Fixed order variables not parsing correctly in cancellation confirmation email Version 3.5 (09/11/2018): [+] Added better error handling for Stripe gateway via try/catch block [+] Added missing Stripe gateway routines to installer. [*] Updated Stripe API library (6.2.0) [-] Fixed bug where trade only banners got uploaded into the default theme folder and failed to display [-] Fixed critical X-Forwarded-For vulnerability where a malicious attacker could execute a SQL injection. Kindly reported by Martin Schophaus @ [-] Fixed issue where trade banner displayed for none trade screens [-] Fixed undefined index error when account was added in admin with wishlists set to off Version 3.4 (09/03/2018): [+] Added support for Stripe payment gateway [*] Admin CP cosmetic changes. Removed mmenu due to licence changes. Added pushy off canvas menu. [*] Frontend store cosmetic changes. Removed mmenu due to licence changes. Added pushy off canvas menu. [*] Password storage updated to use PHP`s password bcrypt API. All passwords will be reset. [*] Updated PHPMailer to latest stable release (6.0.3) [*] Updated Paypal IPN callback to use new endpoints and verify SSL [-] Fixed bug where account creation email could not be turned off [-] Fixed issue where country selection wasn`t displaying correctly for admin accounts [-] Fixed quantity based rates from not being able to be added or edited in admin [-] Fixed undefined index error when viewing sales in admin with product downloads [-] Fixed various undefined index errors related to certain shipping options Version 3.3 (25/07/2017): [*] Updated mobile detection PHP class (2.8.25) [-] Fixed bug where sale disappeared if edit status checkbox was unchecked on sale edit page [-] Fixed critical bug which caused product attributes to duplicate on sale edit screen Version 3.2 (31/05/2017): [+] Added support for PHP7.1 [*] PHPMailer class updated to latest stable release (5.2.23) [-] Fixed issue preventing order update screen loading on certain sales [-] Fixed issue where product quick links in admin directed to the wrong product when other product options were in edit mode. [-] Fixed issues related to free shipping coupon codes where shipping didn`t reset if code was later removed [-] Fixed licence bug with public footer not displaying custom text [-] Fixed missing cost price field from field mapping when importing products [-] Fixed permissions error when additional staff logged out of the control panel [-] Fixed search bug when searching for products with names with foreign characters [-] Fixed search log mysql bug if results exceeded 1000 rows [-] Fixed several issues related to redirects when SSL was enabled Version 3.1 (03/03/2017): [+] Added mail "From" header override. Required by some mail servers. [*] Improvements to copy routines for billing and shipping addresses [*] Updated guest checkout. If billing/account email exists, visitor is forced to log in to account to continue [-] Fixed a couple of language errors [-] Fixed bug that caused product cost price to save as offer price and vice versa [-] Fixed bug where cache files weren`t being rebuilt within the specified timeframe [-] Fixed bug where disabling shipping for trade accounts, disabled it for all accounts [-] Fixed bug where weight based rates we not being picked up during checkout [-] Fixed display issue for thumbnails on small devices [-] Fixed incorrect page name in admin menu for 'Batch Update Stock from CSV' [-] Fixed issue where insurance wasn`t applied for required insurance options [-] Fixed issue where shipping selectors weren`t reset if basket quantities were changed [-] Fixed issue with installer throwing restriction errors if demo products were installed [-] Fixed occasional system error when checkout routines initialised [-] Fixed undefined error when deleting categories in admin preventing icons from being removed Version 3.0 (16/01/2017): [+] Accounts can be personal or trade. For trade accounts, global discount can be set per account, along with min and max quantity and product quantity overrides. Discounts can also be limited to categories for trade accounts. [+] Added SMTP from name and from email header options to SMTP settings [+] Added SMTP security setting. None, SSL or TLS. [+] Added Soundmanager2 for audio playback on product MP3 tracks [+] Added basic BB code buttons to all relevant admin screens [+] Added basic drop shipping system. Send shipping notification to drop ship suppliers after payment or trigger manually via admin interface. [+] Added basic homepage blog. You can now post messages directly on the store homescreen. [+] Added buy now links for products. Useful to trigger purchase routine from external websites. [+] Added caching system to help reduce database queries and page load time [+] Added category drop down filter to special offers page in admin [+] Added checks to prevent attributes and personalisation options from being deleted if they relate to existing sales [+] Added customer account system. Customers can now view all past orders via account area. Fully manageable via admin interface. [+] Added download debug routine to help identify download issues [+] Added enhancements to product expiry. Auto price adjustment, special offer marking etc [+] Added list view / grid view options for product list screens [+] Added marketing tracker. Useful for marketing campaigns to determine where traffic originates. [+] Added more fields to batch product update via CSV option [+] Added more social links. Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, Flickr. More Can be Added. [+] Added one click option to enable / disable shipping rate preferences. [+] Added option to receive pre payment sale notification. [+] Added option to set default payment method. [+] Added option to specify whether discount coupon affects tax calculation. Default is yes. [+] Added option to view invoices and packing slips in PDF format. [+] Added product cost price option for reporting. Useful for seeing profit margins. [+] Added quantity based shipping rates. 1-5 = xx, 6-10 = xx, 11-50 = xx etc [+] Added quick search option to admin homescreen to search accounts, sales, staffs and products [+] Added re-order option for orders in customer account area [+] Added separate contact form for product enquiry / product errors etc. [+] Added shipping selector order preference. You can now determine which order the shipping selectors are applied. ie: weight based before or after item based rates etc [+] Added support for CleanTalk ( Protects account sign up and contact form from spam bots [+] Added support for Daily Motion BB tags [+] Added support for Maian Guardian ( [+] Added support for PHP7 [+] Added support for Payment Sense payment gateway ( [+] Added support for Secure Trading payment gateway ( [+] Added support for structured data tags, open graph tags and twitter cards [+] Added terms and conditions option on checkout [+] Added white label license. Market and sell the product as your own. [+] Added wish lists. Viewable in account area. Includes public link for sharing. [+] Additional staff can now receive sale notification emails. This is optional. [+] Admin login can now be restricted to IP address(es) for security [+] If enabled, PDF invoices and packing slips can be batch created from sales search screen. [+] Payment methods can be set to load for only personal, trade or guest checkout options. [+] Product expiry date can now be set to expire product on given date [+] When updating order you can specify whether update appears in customer account area [+] You can now post a tweet directly from the admin cp. Can be enabled / disabled per user level. [+] You can now specify alternative title and alt tag text for product images. Useful for SEO. [*] Admin language files now moved to global language directory in contents folder [*] Admin sales invoice and packing slips redesigned for better printability. [*] Admin sales search screen updated to include payment statuses, methods, buyer country & export option [*] All emails now sent as HTML and plain text by default. [*] Banner slider updated to responsive full width Slippry banner slider [*] Brand new HTML5 responsive system [*] Brand new basket and checkout routines for better performance on small devices [*] Category ID can now be assigned for Disqus comments system [*] Currency converter API changed to JSON API via Central European Bank [*] Deprecated MySQL functions removed and replaced with MySQLi [*] Entry log now logs IP address as well as date/time [*] For attribute batch import routine you can now import to multiple products instead of single product [*] Free shipping threshold can now be limited to certain countries [*] Gateway parameters are now visible via the main sales list screen and not the sale edit screen [*] If product image is smaller than the thumbnail creation sizes it will be copied as a thumbnail instead of ignored. [*] In admin control panel, left box controller options moved to standalone page [*] In admin on product mp3 page, previews assigned to product disappear from folder list [*] In admin, on product mp3 page added HTML5 preview player for all tracks [*] In admin, when saving order status text, subject is also now saved. [*] Iridium Corporation payment gateway updated to Pay Vector [*] Many improvements added to sale edit screen to make it cleaner and less busy [*] New ticker updated to responsive jQuery marquee. Same functions as previous [*] Newsletter system now tied to accounts. Buyer can set his/her preference in their account area. [*] On the product add page in admin, added option to add more additional images. Also added reset option. [*] PHPMailer class updated to latest stable release (5.2.21) [*] Paypoint payment gateway removed [*] Product images are now all viewable from category list screens, no need to view product. [*] Products can now be added to the basket on all category list screens, not just product page [*] Products can now be batch deleted via the product management screen [*] Sales can now be batch deleted via the sales list and sales search screens [*] Searches saved are now saved to account area, rather than as a standard bookmark [*] Shipping labels can be printed from sales list screen now and not sale edit screen [*] Suomen Verkkomaksut payment gateway updated to Paytrail [*] Thumbnail creation for PNG updated to maintain transparency if it existed in original image [*] Update incomplete sales screen to NOT remove sales marked as pending by a gateway. [*] Updated javascript libraries to latest release versions [*] Updated many javascript routines to parse using JSON [*] Url rewrite rules updated for better seo, any rules from previous versions will throw a 404. [*] User management renamed to staff management to avoid confusion with visitor accounts [*] When batch copying product attributes to another product you can now specify what attributes to copy [*] When saving newsletter templates, the system will now check if a template with the same subject exists and update it. [*] When saving order statuses, the system will now check if a status with the same name exists and update it. [*] elFinder Download Manager updated to latest stable branch (2.1.7) [-] Fixed bug causing certain unicode characters to get cut off when adding new pages [-] Fixed download issue that caused remote files to fail over https (ie: dropbox) [-] Fixed email send bug on batch sale update screen which caused emails to always be sent. [-] Fixed gift certificate 404 link on sitemap page when rewrite rules were off. [-] Fixed issue preventing quantities from being applied to attributes and personalisation on sale edit screen [-] Fixed issue relating to product free shipping selector [-] Fixed issue that caused banners to still display even when disabled [-] Fixed issue that prevented new pages with external links from working that started https [-] Fixed issue that prevented remote downloads from failing [-] Fixed issue where date displays were incorrect for MM-DD-YYYY & MM/DD/YYYY formats. [-] Fixed issue where discount coupons conflicted with free shipping threshold. [-] Fixed issue where discount coupons had issues with category restrictions on none category pages. [-] Fixed issue where gift certificate images weren`t being uploaded correctly [-] Fixed issue where hit count wasn`t saved initially when product was added [-] Fixed issue where latest products only appeared on homescreen if at least one category was selected [-] Fixed issue where order status data was incorrect when batch updating orders [-] Fixed issue where pagination didn`t take into account search terms on the manage product page in admin. [-] Fixed issue where pending sales from Paypal didn`t show up on the incomplete sale page in admin. [-] Fixed issue where remote image thumbnail didn`t display on product page [-] Fixed issue where sales statuses failed to load on order update screen [-] Fixed issue where states weren`t being saved correctly for Canadian and US delivery addresses [-] Fixed issue where white page appeared if buyer cancelled a payment from Paypal [-] Fixed javascript issue related to products with apostophes for product deletion [-] Fixed left menu twitter scroller. Broken in 2.1 due to changes in the Twitter API. [-] Fixed mp3 bug that caused file names to always revert to first file name when batch adding mp3s [-] Fixed sale personalisation/attribute weight/total recalculation bugs on sale edit screen [-] Fixed subtle issue related to price points and min value for low stock search Version 2.1 (02/09/2013): [+] Added RSS news scroller plugin to enable RSS news feed in store left menu. Can be enabled/disabled in settings. [+] Added ability to specify custom url rewrite slugs for category, product and new pages [+] Added admin option to export products to CSV. Located via product management page. [+] Added basic option to print shipping label. Returns address added to company info for label. [+] Added bb code support for soundcloud tags and the soundcloud player [+] Added billing and shipping address fields to checkout routines. Info now stored before gateway payment. [+] Added integration support for Maian Cube ( [+] Added minimum checkout amount. If set, goods total must be greater than or equal to this amount to allow checkout. [+] Added new admin screen "Incomplete Sales", this enables you to view sales that haven`t been completed, either from a callback failure or a buyer not completing payment. [+] Added new admin screen, 'In Stock Overview'. At a glance overview of stock. Export to CSV and batch update selected products/attributes stock. [+] Added new mail tag {ORDER} to order status update page in admin. If used, displays products ordered and prices. [+] Added new multi-buy option to offers. If set, multi-buy quantity is required for product discount. [+] Added new shipping rate option: Per Item Rates. Enables you set a shipping cost per item. [+] Added new shipping rate option: Tare Weight. Works in conjunction with weight based rates to help with packaging costs. Can be fixed or percentage based. [+] Added nofollow tags to links that are not required by search engines [+] Added option to enable cart for IPs if cart is disabled [+] Added option to enter backend admin product notes. Visible on product management page. [+] Added option to save batch mail newsletter templates [+] Added option to search product tags only. Can help reduce the amount of search terms returned. [+] Added option to settings to enable the display of brands to always show in left menu [+] Added option to show custom statuses on admin homescreen [+] Added option to show product count next to category links in left menu. Enabled in admin settings. [+] Added option to specify alternative redirect url for free download only orders. Useful for marketing purposes. [+] Added option to specify availability text per product. Overrides stock messages. [+] Added option to specify information window for insurance on checkout screen [+] Added option to specify max purchase quantity per order for products. [+] Added option to specify price display format in settings for main store currency and currency conversions. Makes display preference for store easier with different currencies and symbol positioning. [+] Added option to specify whether thumbnails should be resized maintaining aspect ratio or a fixed size. [+] Added option to start invoice numbers at preferred start number [+] Added support for Facebooks open graph meta tag on product and category pages [+] Added support for new payment gateway: ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Beanstream ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: CCNow ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: CardSave ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Cardstream ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Charity Clear ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Global Iris ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: IcePay ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Iridium Corporation ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Liqpay ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Nochex APC ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Payfast ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Paymate ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Paypoint (aka Sec Pay) ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Realex Payments ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Sage Pay ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: Suomen Verkkomaksut ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: WorldPay ( [+] Added support for new payment gateway: eWay ( [+] Added theme switcher. Useful if you want to load a different theme on a given date or date range or for a certain category. [+] Added timezone support for PHP5 [+] Added twitter plugin to display latest tweets in store left menu. Can be enabled/disabled and ordered via admin settings. [+] All payment gateway initial sale callback parameters are now logged and viewable on sale edit page [+] Download page access can now be restricted to IP address. Addresses can be managed per sale. [+] Gift Certificates can now be purchased in the store. Buyer can specify recipient name/email to receive the gift. Certificates are fully manageable via admin backend. [+] Insurance can now only be applied to goods over a certain amount [+] Order statuses can now be manually set for gateway callback routines. [+] Products can now be batch updated from CSV in admin area [+] Stock qty levels can now be shown for attributes. This is optional and enabled/disabled in global cart settings [*] 90% of ioncube encoding removed. Just a few core files now encoded. This will help developers. [*] Admin option for left menu ordering in settings has now been enhanced into the 'Left Menu Box Controller'. You can now easily order, enable boxes and add custom boxes into any position. [*] Advanced search updated. Added slider for price range, brand filters and sort by filters [*] BBCode tags updated to include [center] tags to centre text [*] Checkout systems and payment handlers completely recoded to allow for better support for additional gateways. XML routines replaced with JSON. [*] Cloud zoom jquery plugin replaced with Elevate Zoom ( due to commercial licence changes for Cloud Zoom [*] Discount coupons can now be restricted to product categories [*] Doctype updated to HTML5 [*] Free Version text removed from title bar. Powered by text removed from header title bar. [*] Free licence product restriction updated to 100 products from 50. [*] Improvements to admin sale edit screen for attributes and personalised items. Attribute title can be adjusted per sale along with cost. Added easy calculation buttons for totals and weight. [*] Javascript libraries updated. jQuery to 1.9.1 release version. [*] Major cosmetic overall of store interface. Templates restructured to be theme based. This will prevent further updates breaking layouts. Minor changes to admin interface. [*] New banner rotator now appears on all pages. Images can be category specific and display between certain dates. [*] PHP4 support dropped. Min requirement PHP5. [*] Sales can now be batch updated in admin. Useful if you process updates in bulk. [*] The option to have insurance applied by default can now be enabled or disabled [*] Updated AlertPay gateway routine to Payza [*] Updated Moneybookers gateway routine to Skrill [*] Updated batch operations for shipping rates. CSV upload option added for quickness. [*] Updated currency converter to load feed data from Requires Simple XML functions to be enabled. [*] Updated sale export CSV to include billing and shipping addresses in separate columns [*] When copying product in admin, main picture and additional pictures can now be added along with copied data [-] Fixed bug where downloads that had reached their download limit were still included in consolidated zip file. [-] Fixed bug where invoice numbers could potentially go out of sequence. Invoice number sequence changed in 2.1. [-] Fixed bug where leaving admin footer blank after license update caused the system to lock [-] Fixed bug where old sale price didn`t show correctly for quantities higher than 1 on checkout page [-] Fixed bug where product attributes stock was not reducing if low stock notification for product was set to 0 [-] Fixed bug where product/category free shipping selector was being ignored by percentage based shipping rates [-] Fixed bug where urls failed if REWRITE_INDEX was set to 0. This has now been moved to admin settings. [-] Fixed bug with apostrophes in mp3 file names [-] Fixed bug with banner rotator creating incorrect image paths when images were deleted and re-added [-] Fixed bug with category based sitemap displaying wrong categories [-] Fixed bug with radio buttons for downloadable items. Broken in 2.05. [-] Fixed issue whereby delete options were available for the download manager for a user without delete privileges [-] Fixed issues with the Disqus comments system and AddThis modules running over HTTPS [-] Fixed javascript bug in IE8 causing issues when insurance option was enabled [-] Fixed javascript error related to news ticker on gateway cancellation pages. Version 2.05 (22/04/2012): [+] Added BB code support for YouTube, Vimeo and MP3 files. [+] Added country, zone and areas (if applicable) to order email templates [+] Added data array variables to product and category php template files for recalling additional data from the database. For advanced users. See note in relevant templates. [+] Added eCheck explanation to docs which seemed to confuse some people as to why some payments were being marked as Pending [+] Added insurance option to checkout. Can be required or optional. Percentage or fixed possible. Enable in 'General Settings > Global Payment Settings' [+] Added new option in admin to batch update products for certain information. Fields can be included/excluded. Use the checkboxes on the product management page. [+] Added new option to category, specials & search drop downs to display all products. As this can cause heavy loads, especially for search results, its not enabled by default. Enable in 'control/' [+] Added option to add additional text below product price on product pages. Enable in general settings. [+] Added variable to display product code on product display lists (categories). See FAQ note in docs. [+] New feature: Sitemap. Can be enabled/disabled in setting. Product list or category list preferences. [+] New option in settings. Free Product Display Text. Alternative text to display if product price is 0.00. Default is FREE. [+] Optional text can now be displayed beneath product title on checkout page. New feature on add/edit product page. [+] Products can now be banned from certain countries. If banned country is selected, checkout isn`t available until product(s) is/are removed. New feature on add/edit product page. [*] Admin header top bar can now be edited any way you want. Add to or remove existing links. admin/templates/header-top-bar.php [*] Brands moved to left hand menu. Position controlled via left menu box ordering in settings. [*] For none gateway payments, the phone form field can now be removed from the 'checkout-nogateway.php' file if not required. [*] If ordering popular products by sales, free products can now be excluded. New option in settings [*] News ticker can now load on any new page. See notes in docs for new page management. [*] On product add page, you can now set the default value for the 'Product Download' option. Useful if you mainly sell downloadable items. Set in 'admin/control/'. Default is no. [*] Products can now have a minimum purchase quantity set. Useful if you only sell volume amounts. [*] Special offers can now load in custom template files. See notes in example file and docs. [*] Upgrade routine now single routine for any previous versions. Should hopefully make the routine easier. [*] Visitors can now be directed to a custom url after payment. This is optional and can be different for all payment methods. [*] jQuery library updated to latest stable release (1.7.2). [-] Batch update tax not correctly updating tax rates in all relevant tables [-] Currency converter returning 'Permission Denied'. (Broken in 2.04) [-] Default image not loading if product had no images [-] Downloads disappearing from sales/history/invoice/packing slips view when download limit reached. Wrong field reference [-] Fixed issue when special offer expiry text wasn`t displaying if using custom templates to load categories. [-] Fixed issue where urls were incorrectly truncated if the REWRITE_INDEX directive was set to 0 to remove index.html from urls. [-] Flat rate/Percentage rates not being applied correctly if product weight was blank. Weight should be ignored for these methods [-] Gift coupons could not be disabled [-] Images not uploading due to version control reverting file back to previous version [-] Invalid calculations for some currencies when currency converter was enabled [-] Invalid pagination for search results if search engine friendly urls were on [-] Search results text displaying blank if a price point is clicked [-] Shipping not showing on invoice if shipping exists but zones/areas aren`t entered. Version 2.04 (06/12/2011): [+] Added 'cron.php' file which is an override option if the currency updater cron fails. See docs for more info [+] Added clean install confirmation to installer [+] Added option to specify different text for category name in browser title bar. Optional. If blank displays category name [+] For new pages you can now hide the left hand column if you wish. Useful if you want to integrate a blog etc [*] Attributes now enabled for downloadable products. A couple of people had a use for this, so its now available [*] Sales update page updated to include default message in textarea, so whole message is visible. Email subject also now included and easily editable. Download page code now a variable which can be used where applicable [-] Attributes prices not being added to totals in left menu basket or on checkout page [-] Global discount being applied to left menu basket and messing up totals. Global discount should only load on checkout [-] Low stock ordering on category pages [-] Price formatting issue on admin sales page causing totals to be formatted incorrectly [-] Slashes issue preventing html from formatting correctly on newsletter [-] When copying products, no checked options got copied from original product. This was broken in 2.02 Version 2.03 (13/11/2011): [+] Added new shipping configuration: Flat Rate (Enables flat rate shipping to certain zones if specified) [+] Added new shipping configuration: Percentage Based (Enables percentage based shipping to specified zones based on goods total) [+] Added option to disable the output buffer flush for product downloads, which caused 0 bytes on some servers. Enable/disable in 'control/' [+] Added option to specify different text for product name in browser title bar. Optional. If blank displays product name [+] Stock levels can now be batch updated from CSV import [*] Admin search updated to deal with numeric entry the same as text data. Previously numeric assumed product id number and didn`t search other fields [*] New page specified as landing page now does not appear in left menu or footer links [*] On add product page in admin, additional images may now be uploaded with the main image [*] On product add/edit page in admin, added option to only select parent categories [*] Product images can now also load from remote servers. Remote image paths can be batch uploaded on the product pictures pages [*] Search now searches product code [*] Zones can now be batch added to multiple countries. Helps get zones set up faster [-] Option to force buyers to enter address/email/name information on free download orders [-] Problem where some servers couldn`t run the currency converter update as a cron. Cron file in root is no longer encoded to ensure no problems [-] XHTML strict page validation errors related to the colorbox javascript plugin Version 2.02 (19/10/2011): [+] Added option to batch update product prices from CSV. In admin, select 'Tools > Update Prices > Batch Import Prices from CSV'. Specifics in docs [+] Added option to make attributes required if group has the new required selection flag set. If set, visitor must select at least 1 available buy option [+] Any category (with pagination) can now be loaded on a custom template file. See the notes in the 'templates/customTemplates/example.tpl.php' file [+] Homepage banner rotator can now load on any custom template file. See the notes in the 'templates/customTemplates/example.tpl.php' file [*] Page numbers now don`t display if there is only 1 page of products on category page [-] Admin issue when currencies didn`t get updated on currency converter page when currencies were updated [-] Admin issue where 'Copy Product' quick jump link failed in Internet Exporer due to browser bug [-] BBCode not parsing correctly in RSS feeds [-] Browser title bar on products page where website name was displaying twice [-] Issue with search log where not all searches were being logged correctly [-] Removed .htaccess from download folder, which caused 500 internal server error on none supported servers. Correctly renamed to 'htaccess_COPY.txt' for initial setup Version 2.01 (08/10/2011): [+] Added BBCode option to have links open in new windows/tabs [+] Added currency display override option to 'control/currencies.php', Useful if a particular currency doesn`t display how you want it to. Refer to the file and example for usage [-] A couple of minor double quote issues in admin causing product names to be truncated [-] Issue preventing all countries from being disabled for local pickup in global payment settings [-] Related categories not correctly displaying parent/sub relationship [-] Search update for database collations that force case sensitivity Version 2.00 (25/09/2011): [+] Brand new system Version 1.1 (18/11/2006): [+] Added copy product option [+] Added delivery status [+] Added empty cart check if someone accessed the checkout link by mistake [+] Added new mailing class [+] Added option to add 2 different product option sets per product with different pricing options [+] Added option to enable/disable all products in a category [+] Added option to log refunds [+] Added option to reset download limit for downloadable products [+] Added option to update multiple product prices in a category [+] Added set shipping rate [+] Added spam sum to contact form [+] Added stock level options for products [*] Commercial licence removed. Script released for free under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Licence [*] Cosmetic/code update [*] Increased multi user licence cost to GBP150.00 from GBP200.00 [*] Increased single licence cost to GBP8.99 from GBP6.99 Version 1.0 (04/04/2006): [+] Version 1.0 Released